Hearing God’s Voice

Hearing God’s Voice

 “‘Whoever believes in me, fountains of living water will flow from within them.’ By this he meant the Spirit.” (John 7:38-39)

“His sheep follow him because they know his voice” (John 10:4b)


When we receive Christ as Lord, a “fountain” gets implanted in our lives. This fountain is the presence of Jesus through the Holy Spirit. We receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit when we turn the control of our lives to Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, even though we give Christ the “driver’s seat” it is amazing how we always take it back! So we can be “filled with the Spirit” (again and again) when we give back to Jesus the control of our lives.


The benefits of having the Fountain of Jesus in us are amazing! One great benefit is that we can hear Christ’s voice. John 10 says that Jesus’ sheep recognize His voice and hear it. This is not an audible voice, but often a thought or impression that runs through our mind. Sometimes (but not always) it is accompanied with a certain sensation – like peace, joy or a sense of compassion. But one thing is always true: the voice of our Shepherd is in perfect alignment with the Word of God (Scripture).


The ability to hear God’s voice is also dependent on our “yielded” attitude. It is very difficult to hear the “still, quiet” voice of God when we insist on our own way. It is impossible to hear God when we are filled with busy-ness. Usually, if we aren’t hearing from the Lord, it’s not because He’s not speaking – it’s usually because we are not listening! We must be willing to listen and willing to respond in order to hear Christ.


There is something wonderful and refreshing about hearing the voice of Jesus – it quenches your soul’s thirst! Hearing God’s voice (what the ancient Hebrews called “Kol Yahweh”) is one way we drink from the Fountain. I encourage all of you to take the steps (that many in our fellowship are taking) to listen for Jesus’ voice – He’s calling to you right now!


I also encourage you to reflect upon these two questions:


1. What are some practical ways that have helped you to drink from The Fountain?

2. What are those times when your soul needs a drink from The Fountain?


The object to all of this is to encourage us to drink and drink and drink again the living waters of The Fountain. It is one tragedy to never have taken in Christ’s living waters – it is perhaps a greater tragedy to only drink once from His waters, especially when you have a built in drinking fountain inside you!

 So drink up, and as the Jewish people say … La Ch’aim! (To Life!)

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